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  • I've been dealing with a bad transmission in my GX 460 but finally got it repaired and I think it's going to stay that way. No more codes for stuck or malfunctioning solenoids in the valve body. While it was in the shop they also replaced the fluid pump, torque convertor, complete valve body and many internal parts in the main part of the tranny. Finally ready for a road (off-road trip).
    Well, we made it back from Broken Bow trip with only some new pinstripes on the sides of "Lexie", our 2013 GX460. She is now K Trail proven. Didn't hesitate on any obstacle we approached and I was very pleased with the ability to keep all 4 tires planted on the ground in some fairly significant washouts in the trail. We really enjoyed the whole trip. Can't wait for the next adventure.
    In the last couple of weeks I've installed new brake pads and rotors, had the transmission rebuilt and a new fuel pump installed. I'm as ready as I can be for Oklahoma. Now I just need to make sure I remember everything we need to take. Maybe I should make a list. Now that's a good idea.
    I've made a few more minor improvements on the GX460 and one major repair. Had to have a new transmission right around Christmas time, Merry Christmas to me. On the smaller side, I mounted two ditch lights on the back edge of the hood to illuminate the ground and peripheral areas that are normally dark. I also installed a sort of water system with a sink and running water. Also fixed front fender seams and painted.
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    Can't wait to see that thing in Broken Bow! You mind if I get a build video of your GX460 to show off to future SORAC members?
    For sure, you can. I can't wait to see how it performs on the trails as well. Haven't really had it off-road that much since I've built it. Here are a few pics of the latest additions.


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    We just got back from a whirlwind trip from Texas to White Sands National Park to Taos to Farmington to see Chaco Canyon National Historic Site, to Bisti Badlands and back to Taos for 4 days of day trips to outlying areas. Then we headed to Palo Duro Canyon State Park for a night of camping and photography before heading home Monday. Had a great time and put 4000 miles on the GX460 and still going strong.
    We are leaving this coming Sunday for New Mexico. We are headed to White Sands and then up to Taos for several days and then over to Farmington and then back home stopping at Palo Duro Canyon State Park to camp for one night. Does anyone have any places we should visit or things to do while in NM? I realize I should have asked this a bit earlier but I just thought of it today. thanks
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    I'm not too well versed in NM, but Merus Adventure near Palo Duro is awesome!
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